About “j cocomo”


j cocomo is an Urushi lacquer products brand founded in 2013. We develop original lacquer products utilizing colors, beauty, and functions unique to Urushi.



─ 「日本」という 美の面影、漆器 ─



Lacquerware, a lingering notion of beauty called "Japan."

The Japanese sense of beauty is not only appearance but also inner maturity. Urushi lacquerware has been valued for celebrations and receptions and its grace of exquisite master craftsmanship. This tradition has been carried on to westernized dining as easing its strictness. In this diversified lifestyle, Urushi lacquerware has been deeply involved with Japanese culture and defines a unique and subtle aesthetic cultivating Japanese identity. We are here to provide the spirit of traditional beauty and enriching moments by facing modern usability and experience as understanding Western beauty.

Bring modern pleasure to lacquerware.


J COCOMOは日本古来の工芸である漆塗りのプロダクトブランドです。漆器ならではの美しさを引き出す素材は、本漆でありながら、自由な色彩や形状に適応するマルチロール漆を採用。その表情はモダンでありながらあえやかな雰囲気とともに、現代のライフスタイルに新たな漆器の愉しみ方を届けます。ブランド名であるJ COCOMOは、日本の心、事、物を伝えていきたいという想いを込めて名付けました。

J COCOMO is a brand of Urushi lacquer products, a traditional Japanese craft. We use Multi-Roll urushi lacquer, which is pure, elicits the beauty only to lacquerware, and adapts to various colors and forms. Its appearances give a modern yet elegant feeling and also bring the pleasures of lacquerware to your lifestyle. The name J COCOMO came from our passion for passing on Japanese spirits, events, and reliable manufacturing using Japanese traditional techniques.



Courtesy, hospitality, and delight, the Japanese "spirit" presents in lacquerware.


New Year's, celebrations, and festivals. Along with the Japanese "events" of each season.


Vermilion, black and white, beautiful colors and forms. Reliable "manufacturing" using Japanese traditional techniques.


Our Mission

─ J COCOMOの志し ─



J COCOMOプロダクトデザインの源泉、それは「エンドユーザーの使い勝手」に尽きます。職人の手技と勘に裏打ちされる伝統工芸の普遍的な価値は誰しもが認めるもの。一方、ユーザビリティの観点から漆器(漆)を見る時、その役目を十分に果たせているでしょうか。「伝統は形骸化してはならない」。いわば、変わることをいとわず、今という感覚に軽やかに舵を切る発想にこそ、現代において漆器が見直されるチャンスがあると私たちは考えます。今、同じ時間を生きる人たちの「食」を理解することはもとより、取り入れやすいサイズ、心が弾む色、あるいはバリエーションを追究することで、日本の伝統工芸である漆に新たな生命を吹き込みたい。それが伝統、ひいては職人という灯を守ることにもつながると確信するのです。

Rethinking our tradition

The source of J COCOMO product design is all about end-user usability. The universal value of traditional crafts backed by master craftsmanship and intuition is appreciated all around the world. However, looking at lacquerware from the user's perspective, does it fulfill the user's needs and lifestyle? We think there is a chance to get lacquerware reevaluated for its value in the modern lifestyle through embracing change while keeping the tradition alive. We hope to breathe new life into the lacquerware by pursuing appropriate size, happy colors, and variation as well as understanding current food culture. We believe this will lead to the preservation and development of traditions and artisans.