The FUDAN collection attracts you with heartwarming unique colors only urushi has and makes you want to add to your everyday use. It is durable and has good thermal insulation.
─ 毎日つかうほどに しっくりなじむ漆塗り ─
Lacquerware for everyday use
Fudan will enrich your precious time like a delightful mealtime with your family. There are various color bowls and teacups such as chic and warm pink and blue and unique gradation. The natural luster becomes brighter and brings more charm ushing over time. A regular size and kid's size bowls, everyone can have an individual bowl, which is one way to enjoy it. It has good thermal insulation, and also it is comfortable to hold with hot drinks and easy to use. It won't break easily even it fell off the table; therefore, the kid's size bowl is often purchased as a gift for children.
J COCOMO's lacquer ware uses "multi-roll lacquer" compatible with dishwashers.